Come to the Waters
Water! It surrounds us. Sustains us. Life of all forms remains ever dependent on its mercies. We’re composed of its essence, and were it to cease, or be overwhelmed with contaminates, life as we know it would cease to exist.
Maybe that is why it fascinates me so. In the beginning, at the heart of God’s creation, it permeated everything, causing God to separate the waters above from the waters below.
Yet in their separation, they remain ever connected, in a purifying cycle that reflects our own spiritual journey. Or so it seems to me. As varied as the terrains water travels, its destination, its purest form, resides in the heavenlies.
Think on it. Jesus, the eternal Living Water, offers Himself to all who will come to Him. To the thirsty, drinking the Living Water promises they will never know thirst again, unless it be of their own choosing.
To each person longing to be clean, the Living Water purifies, cleansing from the inside out, purifying the heart of any who come. None are turned away.
Those seeking peace and rest discover in the Living Water a quiet, a stillness refreshing the soul with a peace belong to the Water Himself.
So here, on these pages, my heart will come to the Living Water, seeking Him in all that surrounds me, behind and before, regardless of the terrain I journey through.
You are invited to come, too, journeying with me. And while you visit, may you find refreshment in the Living Water for your own thirst.
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